I think I spoke too quickly. I was so busy being proud of myself for a Saturday filled with exercise and endorphins, (see the previous two entries if you have no idea what I'm talking about) that I didn't realize the punishment that my body was about to wreak upon me. We went to Stake Conference last night (which included a musical number directed by a very beautiful woman . . . me) and then the roomies and I caught "Kung Fu Panda" at the "absolutely ghetto" dollar theater. We went straight to the theater after Stake Conference, so we were looking like sugar mamas on the prowl. Anyway, to move the story along, after the movie was over, I found I was having an extremely rough time in my attempts at walking. Wendi even told me I looked like I was drunk as I stumbled out the double doors in my ultra-awesome purple synthetic alligator skin stilletos. The problem was that I couldn't walk any more gracefully (which I informed them) no matter how hard I tried. Anytime I put any pressure on my legs, they wanted to buckle.
Then, for ALL of last night, I tossed in my bed because my legs were aching so intensely (think throbbing meets stabbing). The only comfort I could find was if I lied perfectly still (not moving a muscle . . . get it?) which I could only do in about 30 minute increments.
So, help. If you have any tips on how to relieve this sort of pain (other than cutting my legs off at the hip, which is sounding more and more tempting) and how to convince my body that riding a bike for hours at a time is not purpose enough to bring about its own armageddon, I am open and ready for advice.
By the way, I don't want this entry to look like I am any sort of pansy or lightweight. I have a very high threshold for pain, just so you know.
And if you're wondering if I would bike again, knowing that this feeling awaited me, I would have to answer a resounding "Yes!" So take that.