Monday, May 18, 2009

If He Looks Like a Monkey, You Have Bad Taste

This blog entry is actually dedicated to my friend, Kelly. I was talking about how much I enjoyed the new Star Trek movie (and all the exceptionally yummy on screen eye candy). So surprised, she said that she had seen the previews and thought that my favorite (Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock) looked like a monkey. But she couldn't remember his name or the name of the character he played. So the conversation sounded something like this:
Michelle: The guy who plays Spock is so dreamy.
Kelly: Are you serious? Isn't he the one who looks like a monkey?
Michelle: What are you talking about? You think Spock looks like a monkey? The new one or the old one?
Kelly: Huh? Doesn't he look like a monkey?
Michelle: I don't think either of them look like monkeys.
Kelly: Well, if he looks like a monkey, you have bad taste.
Mallory: Wise words to live by.

Last night I showed Kelly a pictures of the regular Zachary Quinto (not all Spockified) and she said that no, he doesn't look like a monkey.

Moral of the story: Slanted eyebrows and a bowl cut= monkey.
In case you were ever concerned about it.


Angelee said...

I can see where she thought he looked like a monkey. Maybe you are attracted to monkeys...Donny lover. I think he looks monkeyish too.

Mallory said...

Oh my gosh, I cannot even express in words my joy that "If he looks like a monkey, you have bad taste" will now live on forever thanks to the internet! Thank you for sharing this great story with everyone. I burst out laughing when I read the title, remembering how appalled and disgusted Kelly was at the prospect of someone finding Z.Q. attractive.