Friday, January 16, 2009

Presenting the "Math Musical"

Which is at least 15% cooler than the "High School Musical." Here's the low down: I've been taking a math class for the past year and a half to make me a better teacher. We have a culminating research project that we've pretty much been working on for a year. We had a few options as to how to present our project: research paper, Powerpoint presentation, decorative poster, or other technology based format. While brainstorming the different meanings of "other" I came up with the idea to present my project in the form of a musical. On film. Written, directed, filmed, starring, and edited by myself. My professor agreed to it, but I'm pretty sure she didn't think I would actually do it. Oh, how wrong she was.
I'm finally starting the filming of said musical tomorrow (Saturday). I might only have 3 people show up (which will be very exciting to make look as if they are 30 students). I guess we'll have to see. Unfortunately, in order to see the finished product, you have to actually be in contact with me, because it is unethical to put it on Youtube.
However, if you would like to be a part of the making of the musical, by all means let me know. You don't have to be a singer or a dancer (though there is some light choreography. I just think that the campier it looks, the more effective it will be at portraying my message).
Should be fun.


Angelee said...

And that's why you are a good teacher.

Shannon said...

Oh how I wish I lived in Utah right now! What fun! I DEFINITELY need to see the finished product someday!

Carol Joy said...

Let me echo Shannon's sentiments, and especially after rewatching our molli vanolli dance, we could've been an excellent addition (haha, pun intended) to your math musical! You're crazy! You would go all out and make your final project crazy work... ;)

Mikila said...

Oh my gosh, you need to post this video on your blog!!!! And yes it was Angelee that punched her stomach in. I can't believe that you forgot about us jumping in the pool, good times! Why do I feel like you live in a different country??? I still have your movies.

Jonika said...

WISH I could be there to help out! I would love to see it later if you can email it to me. Thanks babe!