Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things That Make Guys Hot

So, I was watching "Stardust" with several friends last week, and I was overcome with how easy it was for a very homely man to become an extremely studly man. Or at least more studly than he was previously. I realized that there are several things that men can do that will make me instantly attracted to them. And since there are so many men out there who are just chomping at the bit to know what to do to appear more attractive to me, here you go. A helpful list, just for all the men out there. (P.S. This is not a top ten list, because I think there are way more than ten things that make a guy hot.)

1. Play an instrument (other than the organ).
2. Drive a motorcycle and be willing to give me rides.
3. Sing . . . well. I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times more. If a guy sings well, I am instantaneously attracted.
4. Sword fighting. Not fighting on the lawn of a BYU quad, rather fighting on stage. However, offering to fight with me onstage during a date at a restaurant is not desirable either. There's a fine line with this one.
5. Be comfortable around kids. Yay for good dads! Or uncles! But not grandpas.
6. Ride a horse. Viggo in "Lord of the Rings," Viggo in "Hidalgo," or really Viggo in just about anything. That's it, be Viggo.
7. Use a whip. Get your brain out of the gutter, I'm talking "Man From Snowy River" style. My roommates and I used to watch and rewatch some choice scenes.
8. Be confident. NOT ARROGANT! But confident. A guy that's comfortable in his own skin is extremely attractive. A guy that assumes most women are attracted to him, not attractive at all. In fact, arrogance usually kicks in my mean sarcasm mode as I feel compelled to take the man down a peg or two.
9. Be nice to animals. This one sounds a little weird, I'm sure, but how a guy treats animals is indicative of how he will treat other helpless, innocent things/creatures/beings.
10. Be well-read. Guys who are intelligent are hot. Having an intelligent conversation with a man is requisite. If there is one thing that is a huge turn-off, it's having to explain my vocabulary on a date.

Actually, this did turn into a top ten. Which is just fine with me. If I think of any other amazing things (which of course, I will) I'll be sure to post them.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Ha! Love it! And I completely agree with most points (I agree with them all in principle, but I think some of them are matters of personal taste.) Brilliant, as usual.