Monday, December 28, 2009

An Exciting Christmas Gift!

Every year, I know my parents struggle to know what to buy for me. Which boggles me a little, because I always know what to buy for myself.
However, knowing that there is always a bit of confusion, and knowing that they don't appreciate wish lists and don't want me to have any idea of what I'm getting for Christmas, I made sure this year to drop a "not so subtle" hint.
I called Dad up one day and in the course of conversation, informed him that I was really excited because I had found a camera that I wanted at Costco and that I could easily save up the money to buy it. I told him the make, cost and location of said camera all in the guise that I would take several months to save up enough money to buy it (and no, it wasn't really that expensive of a camera, I exaggerated to him how long it would take me to get it, in hopes he would get it for me for Christmas).
Christmas morning comes and after a cursory glance under the tree, I decide that there is no camera underneath it.
Imagine my surprise when I open up a package and find not only the camera that I requested, but one vastly superior. I wanted one with a 10x zoom. I got one with a 24x. I wanted one that was 10 megapixels, and got one that was 12. I wanted one that was a Lexmark, and I got one that is a Nikon. I love my parents.
I've been so excited about using my camera and experimenting with all the different settings. I'm quite a nerd about it actually. I mean, my camera actually has a setting for taking pictures of fireworks, specifically.
Moral of the story? All of my friends with camera experience/knowledge are hereby requested to impart any/all knowledge of digital photography (i.e. shutter speeds, aperture, exposure, etc) as I am now ready to make my own knowledge match my excitement.

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