I'm visiting home for a couple weeks (I promised Mom and Dad I'd make my trip longer this year, so I purposefully didn't get involved in any plays for the end of the summer.) Yesterday I went "exploring" and had a grand ol' time (but not a grand ol' opry). As I wandered around my home town of Oroville, CA, I noticed many things and a top ten list was born. Though it might only make sense to an Orovillian, perhaps the rest of you will enjoy it as well.
10. When in Provo, I'm always thinking there's nothing to do. Then I come to Oroville and I realize here, there's REALLY nothing to do.
9. When I say I'm going to "go into town" it actually makes sense, because my parents live outside of town. Whereas when I say it in Provo, I get funny looks.
8. Everything, everywhere you go, is on sale. I've already done all my school shopping for the fall and got it all at killer prices.
7. My multi-tasking skills get quite the workout. While waiting and waiting for my parent's dial up modem to do anything, I've had to find other things to do (watch movies, read books, pick nose, etc.)
6. "Yogurts to Go." Ever since I was a tiny person, the frozen yogurt store has always been amazing. The awesomest thing is that even though the business has changed names and owners through the years, the yogurt still tastes exactly the same.
5. With all sorts of free-time, I get to introduce Mom to various tv series she's unfamiliar with. This trip, it's Arrested Development. I didn't think she'd like it, but she keeps asking to watch more episodes. Rock on!
4. Whenever I bathe/put on makeup/brush my hair/brush my teeth, Dad always asks if I'm going out. Apparently, I'm expected to stay in my pajamas all day if I don't have any formal plans.
3. What I call the Oroville anomoly (and I know if I didn't spell that right, Andy will correct me). I drove through a lower income part of town, consisting of completely run down trailers and mobile homes. What struck me was that parked outside of EACH of these was a nice, new, shiny car. These cars had spoilers, new rims, custom tires, and chrome lights.
2. People here are so friendly! I went to a racquetball club to see if it was still open, and the members sitting outside started chatting with me and asking about my life (even talking about religion, go figure). I loved it! Easiest time making friends ever!
1. Men here actually look at me, like really look at me. Probably because of number 4.
I'm glad you're home. Let's do something soon.
Dude...I just realized that I live 3 hours away from you! How long are you home for?
Do you have anytime for me??? You should bring that series about the female minister, I would love to watch all of them. Great post!
There really is NOTHING to do in Oroville. But, I still like visiting there.
I love that your dad asks you if you're going out--i'm laughing. I also agree with the kristin steward thing. she's so boring.
If you think there is nothing to do in Oroville... wait until you come to Plumas Lake. Even though we live in a very nice community, the only 2 things to do here is to go to the park or Walgreens. We actually go to Oroville to do stuff... hahaha!
Just so I can beat Andy to the punch, it's "anomaly". ;)
I love that there is nothing to do, it's why I go. :) So relaxing. I also agree with the getting dressed up thing; I always feel very overdone even if I blow dry my hair! And who doesn't love yogurts to go! Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and the tropical mai tai flavor. Boring, but I was a kid.
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