The next day was our day at California Adventure. It was perfect. Again, very small crowds and so much fun. We walked around soggy for most of the day due to the rapids ride.
Finally, the third day, Tony Winkel came to hang out with us and we re-did all our favorite rides. The temperatures got a bit crazy and by this point there were tons of people there, but we had already done everything again and again. The best experience was waiting in line for Splash Mountain (the wait was 75 minutes, but we were really hot, so it was worth it). In line behind us was a little boy with his parents. It was obvious the little boy didn't want to go on the ride. He watched the drop off again and again while we waited, and he was just crying up a storm. Wanting to be helpful, my roommate, Kristina, sought to comfort him. What follows is by no means a gross exaggeration of the event:
Child's Parents: Don't worry honey, this ride isn't scary at all. They're all screaming because they're having fun!
Child: No, I'm scared. This ride is scary!
Kristina: It's just the drop off at the very end that's scary, and it goes really fast right there, so it's extra not scary!
Child: (whimpers)
Kristina: And then there are all sorts of critters and symbiotic organisms to look at when you're not facing a sheer drop off. Doesn't that sound fun?
Child: (vomits)
Kristina: Don't you hear that happy music? Doesn't it make you feel safe and secure? It gets louder right before the shrieking eels bite you.
Child: (dies)
And that's how it went.